Here you can find all the important times and dates involving LRP Media stations.
Calendar may be updated multiple times a month, adding or removing events around EAS ETC.
As of 1/1/25, this calendar is filled out through 1/1/26
On the calendar there are multiple colors for the events to indicate the type of event our station(s) have
Some EAS terminology includes:
Events: RWT, Required Weekly Test, RMT, Required Monthly Test.
Senders: IPAWS, FEMA, NWS, and KZZ81.
WLRP and any other LRP Media stations are configured to automatically and without intervention send emergency alerts that may be received by the National Weather Service, WLS-AM and WGN-AM. WLS and WGN Does NOT have a set time for their tests, they may be relayed at any time. The RWT or RMT sent by FEMA or IEMA may be relayed multiple times as every station must relay it within the hour, this includes our AM Radio station monitors.
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